Active Directory

Step-by-Step Guide : Migrating AD CS from Windows Server 2008 R2 to Windows Server 2019

Windows Server 2008 R2 extended support ended on 1/14/2020. This raised interest in migrating various Windows Server Roles from Windows Server 2008 R2 to latest. I thought it will be useful to do step-by-step guide to migration AD CS role from Windows Server 2008 R2 to Windows Server 2019. We also can use same steps to migrate AD CS role from Windows Server 2012/2012R2/2016. Demo Setup The…
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Mastering Active Directory – 3rd Edition

Step-by-Step Guide: How to sync Custom Active Directory Attributes to Azure AD?

Active DirectoryMicrosoft Technologies

Step-by-Step Guide to Setup Two-Tier PKI Environment

In previous posts on PKI blog series we learned about theory part of PKI. If you didn’t read those yet, please go ahead and read those before start on deployment part. How PKI Works? – Active directory certificate service components – PKI…
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Step-by-Step Guide: Configure Entra ID lifecycle workflow to trigger mover task on user profile changes

Step-by-Step Guide: How to setup Entra ID Restricted management Administrative Units ?

Active DirectoryMicrosoft Technologies

PKI Deployment Models

In my previous posts, we learn how PKI works and what are the PKI components. You can find those articles in following links, How PKI Works? – Active directory certificate service components – In this post we are going to look in to different PKI…
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Step-by-Step Guide: Configure Entra ID lifecycle workflow to trigger mover task on user profile changes

Step-by-Step Guide: How to setup Entra ID Restricted management Administrative Units ?

Active DirectoryMicrosoft Technologies

Active Directory Certificate Service Components

In my previous post I explained what is PKI and how it works. You can find it using Active Directory Certificate Service is the Microsoft solution for PKI, It is collection of role services and those can use to design the PKI for your organization. In this post we are going to look in to each of these role service and their…
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Step-by-Step Guide: Configure Entra ID lifecycle workflow to trigger mover task on user profile changes

Step-by-Step Guide: How to setup Entra ID Restricted management Administrative Units ?