Some time ago I wrote an article about sign-in risk-based conditional access policies. But things have been changed over time and I thought it is time to update it with new content.
Let’s assume we have a web application that is published via the internet. To access the services, the user has to provide a user name and password. If one of the users’ accounts compromised, how the system…
OpenVPN is an open-source VPN protocol that is trusted by many cloud service providers to provide site-to-site, point-to-site, and point-to-point connectivity to cloud resources. Now Azure AD authentication also works with OpenVPN protocol. This means we can use Azure AD features such as conditional access, user-based policies, Azure MFA with VPN authentication. In this Demo, I am going to…
Multi-factor authentication is no longer a privilege. MFA is providing an additional layer of security for identities. MFA solutions are getting cheaper and cheaper. You even can enable MFA for free on certain online services. Microsoft outlook email is a good example of that. When it comes to cloud services this is more and more important.
Azure MFA is cloud-based multi-factor service which can…
In my previous post I explain how we can use Azure AD B2B to share services/resources between organization. Once these B2B users are register with Azure AD, we can apply “Conditional Access” polcies to control their access further. In this demo I am going to show how to do that.
Before we start please go ahead and read my previous article about Azure AD B2B, because…