Azure servicesCyber SecurityMicrosoft Technologies

Getting Started with Azure Security Center

What is Azure Security Center ? Whenever we talk about cloud, one of the main questions still comes from customers is “what about security?“. Azure cloud built by using SDL (Security Development Lifecycle) from initial planning to product launch. It’s continues uses different measurements, safeguards to protect the infrastructures and customer data. You can find details about azure security…
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Step-by-Step Guide: Configure Entra ID lifecycle workflow to trigger mover task on user profile changes

Step-by-Step Guide: How to setup Entra ID Restricted management Administrative Units ?

Azure servicesMicrosoft Technologies

Azure DNS

Azure DNS is now fully supported in the Azure Portal. Even it’s remain on preview mode it’s not too soon to start your testing before introduce to the production environment. In your local AD infrastructure, AD DNS service is taken care of all your DNS entries. It can be A records, mail server records (MX), CNAME records, service records etc. the same methodology apply for the public…
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Step-by-Step Guide: Configure Entra ID lifecycle workflow to trigger mover task on user profile changes

Step-by-Step Guide: How to setup Entra ID Restricted management Administrative Units ?

Azure servicesMicrosoft Technologies

Azure Backup to Protect your Data from Disaster – Part 1

Data is the value for any organization operations, so it’s important to make sure organization have access to its data in any time. Backup of valued data will ensure seamless access to data in a disaster. Businesses uses different type of backup technologies, tools to backup data. It can be traditional tape backups, on-premises backup, off-shore backup etc. each of these technologies, tools…
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Step-by-Step Guide: Configure Entra ID lifecycle workflow to trigger mover task on user profile changes

Step-by-Step Guide: How to setup Entra ID Restricted management Administrative Units ?

Active DirectoryAzure servicesMicrosoft Technologies

How to Monitor your on-premises AD infrastructure with “Azure AD Connect Health”?

As system administrator, how you currently monitor your AD infrastructure? I am sure I will get lot different answers such as SCOM, Event viewer, Performance monitor, Third party application monitors etc. when the AD infrastructure expand, grow the effort and cost you need to put to monitor the AD infrastructure increase too. This is getting more complex if you using hybrid infrastructure.
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Step-by-Step Guide: Configure Entra ID lifecycle workflow to trigger mover task on user profile changes

Step-by-Step Guide: How to setup Entra ID Restricted management Administrative Units ?