Mastering Active Directory, Second Edition Released!

As most of you were aware, I published my book "Mastering Active Directory" back in, 2017. When I released it, I had my doubts! It was my first book even though I was writing to blogs for many years. But over the last 2 years, I had many positive feedbacks. Thousands of people all around the global read this book. Lots of them requested another book. So Yes! I heard it loud and clear. 

I glad to announce the public release of my second book, "Mastering Active Directory, Second Edition" today. It is available for purchase worldwide now.

I also take this opportunity to thanks all my readers who believed in me. It is you who encouraged me to release another edition this soon. 

What Is new in the second edition? 

The new content for this edition is covering,

Tips to Design your Hybrid AD environment by evaluating business and technology requirements 

Deep dive into different authentication methods which can use in Hybrid AD environment

How to protect sensitive data in a hybrid environment using Azure Information Protection

Learn about protecting identities in Hybrid AD environment 

Integrate with Azure Active Directory and Manage identities in Hybrid Environment using Azure Active Directory PowerShell for Graph module

Book Name: Mastering Active Directory, Second Edition

ISBN: 978-1789800203

Number of Pages: 786

Publisher: Packt Publishing

Book is available in paperback and kindle format.

It also can access via subscriptions,

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