Microsoft Entra IDMicrosoft Technologies

Step-by-Step Guide to create Organizational Unit (OU) in Microsoft Entra Domain Service

Organizational unit in active directory is a container where you can place users, computers, groups and other organization units even. Organizational Unit are helps to create logical structure of the AD. You can use it to assign group policies and manage the resources.  This is common procedure in in-house domain environment, but what about the Azure managed domain? Can engineers use same…
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Step-by-Step Guide: Configure Entra ID lifecycle workflow to trigger mover task on user profile changes

Step-by-Step Guide: How to setup Entra ID Restricted management Administrative Units ?

Active DirectoryAzure servicesMicrosoft Technologies

Step-by-Step guide to enable Secure LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) on Azure AD managed domain

In active directory environment, LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) is responsible for read and write data from AD. By default LDAP traffic transmitted un-secure. You can make this secured transmit based on SSL. In security prospective even in more “local” network it’s important to make secure even though most of engineers not using it. But when you have hybrid or cloud…
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Step-by-Step Guide: Configure Entra ID lifecycle workflow to trigger mover task on user profile changes

Step-by-Step Guide: How to setup Entra ID Restricted management Administrative Units ?

Active DirectoryMicrosoft TechnologiesWindows Server

Step-by-Step Guide to exclude user or user group from group policy

In a Group Policy within an Active Directory infrastructure, there may be times when you need to exclude a user or user group. This could be necessary due to specific application or system settings. Sometime I seen administrators create separate OU and move users there just to get user exclude from particular group policy. It is not necessary to create new OU to exclude users from GPO. In this…
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Step-by-Step Guide: Configure Entra ID lifecycle workflow to trigger mover task on user profile changes

Step-by-Step Guide: How to setup Entra ID Restricted management Administrative Units ?

Active DirectoryMicrosoft Technologies

Step-By-Step Guide to enable Advanced Security Audit Policy: DS Access

What is Advanced Security Audit ? More than any other system active directory in an organization important in security perspective. Even a small change in Organization’s AD can cause a major business impact. Preventing any unauthorized access, unplanned change in AD environment should prevent in first place but if similar thing happened in your AD environment you should have enough information…
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Step-by-Step Guide: Configure Entra ID lifecycle workflow to trigger mover task on user profile changes

Step-by-Step Guide: How to setup Entra ID Restricted management Administrative Units ?